Discover the Amazing Benefits of Green Myrtle Hydrosol

For those that may not know, hydrosols are the coproduct of the distillation of essential oils and contain the essence of the plant in every drop. The constituents are the same as the oil but in trace amounts and therefore perfectly diluted and easy to utilize.

Myrtus Commonis Essential Oil and Hydrosol Have Been Used Throughout History for their Medical Applications 

Green Myrtle is a small, aromatic evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean and North Africa, it's known for its fragrant leaves, small white flowers, and blue-black berries. The history of this plant literally dates back thousands of years and its uses are vast. Antiseptic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and astringent qualities make it invaluable. All the properties indicate it can be used for treating respiratory issues, allergies, digestive problems, cuts & wounds and skin conditions. Even ancient physicians such as Hippocrates, mentioned myrtle in their writings for its therapeutic benefits.

The use of myrtle water also dates back to antiquity and was once referred to as Angels Water as it was said to bring radiance to the skin.

The leaves and berries were and are still widely used for culinary purposes.

Green Myrtle, like all hydrosols is perfectly diluted and safe to use even on babies and the elderly. Plus it is also safe to use on pets.

Anti-Fungal Treats Acne and Fungal Conditions Such As Candida

Green Myrtle has been studied by the National Library Of Medicine for its antifungal effects. Fungal acne and fungal skin conditions such as candidiasis and athletes foot affect some 10% of the population globally. Treating these conditions naturally with products such as Green Myrtle means the side effects of pharmaceuticals are avoided. As another study showed positive results for its antifungal and antimicrobial activity, and suggested further investigation as we grow more and more resistance to drugs.

Treatment for Itchy Watery Eyes Due to Allergies and Environmental Elements

Perhaps one of the most amazing uses of Green Myrtle is its ability to soothe and relieve watery eyes due to allergies and irritants. The chemotype in Green Myrtle makes it perfect for the eyes. The same is true for styes and conjunctivitis, instant relief on contact and quick healing. Both styes and conjunctivitis can last 1-2 weeks without treatment, but with Green Myrtle Hydrosol it can be gone in as little as 1-2 days. People often have a hard time believing that this could actually work and are reluctant to spray or apply directly to their eyes, and yet when they do there is an almost immediate sense of relief. 

Natural Relief for Chest Congestion & Bronchitis 

Myrtle can be sprayed directly onto the chest and neck area to relieve congestion and be applied multiple times throughout the day, it can also be applied as a compress. Again, because of the perfect dilution of hydrosols it can safely be used on infants and the elderly.

Myrtus Commonis otherwise know as Green Myrtle is truly a wonderful and amazing hydrosol. This is a must have for every medicine and skin care cabinet. Take with you and use throughout the day, for skin conditions such as acne, fungal acne and atopic dermatitis, spray often. The more you use, the more your skin improves.
