These are strange times we are in. With so much fear and anxiety and stress over health and finances, we need to be sure we are taking care of ourselves. Staying physically active is important, but our mental fitness matters just as much, if not more.
For some of us, this may be a time to reflect upon what is really important, a time to enjoy the moment and live in the now, not just saying the words. Now is the time to take some moments for yourself. Take that extra-long bath, a long afternoon nap, or learn how to meditate. Meditation, at least for me, is simply the practice of quieting my mind, letting it go blank so I can get tuned in to my inner being.
There is no wrong way to act or feel during this time, just be sure to always treat yourself with kindness.
We have many products to help you get into a relaxed state of mind. Lay down, spray some of our amazing sleep spray on your linens, put our lavender pillow over your eyes and listen to a guided meditation on the Calm app.
Take a bath with our Milk and Honey soak or our amazing Two Seas Therapeutic Bath Salts and turn on your favorite podcast.
Some podcasts we currently love are:
Oprah's SuperSoul Conversations
Ted Radio Hour: Life's Biggest Questions Explored
Take a hot shower and turn it into a spa experience with our Lemon and Eucalyptus Sower Spray, then moisturizer your skin with our super hydrating and skin-softening Body oils, then put on your coziest pajamas or sweatpants and watch a funny or uplifting movie.
Stay safe stay well, be kind and know that brighter days are ahead.